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HCDE Ask Me Anything with Tamara Adlin on salaries, negotiation, and asking for the right title

June 11, 2020

On Friday, May 22, HCDE welcomed alumna Tamara Adlin, President of Adlin, Inc, for a hybrid “AMA” + words of wisdom on job salaries, negotiation, and titles.

Tamara Adlin is a C-level strategy and user experience consultant to startups and companies that want to behave more like startups. She is well known for her work on personas, consulting and speaking about the topic for over 20 years, and writing the Persona Lifecycle guidebooks.

Adlin is also passionate about career development, especially for women. In this hour-long AMA, Adlin shares advice about how students can promote their value to employers and prospective employers.

View her session, moderated by fellow HCDE alumna and affiliate faculty member Rebecca Destello, here:

See also: