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Adjunct Faculty, Affiliate Faculty, & Instructors

Adjunct Faculty  Affiliate Faculty  Instructors  


Adjunct Faculty

Lauren Bricker

Lauren Bricker
Associate Teaching Professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering

Areas of specialization: Computing education, Fabrication, Human-computer interaction

Corie Cobb

Corie Cobb
Washington Research Foundation Innovation Professor in Clean Energy; Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Areas of specialization: Energy and environment; Advanced materials and manufacturing

Audrey Desjardins

Audrey Desjardins
Associate Professor, Interaction Design, School of Art + Art History + Design

Areas of specialization: Design, Interaction design, Sustainability, Research-through-design, Speculative design, Design methods

Anind Dey

Anind Dey
Dean and Professor, The Information School

Areas of specialization: Human-computer interaction, Machine learning and artificial intelligence, Ubiquitous and mobile computing

Batya Friedman

Batya Friedman
Professor, The Information School. Co-director Value Sensitive Design Research Laboratory

Areas of specialization: Human-computer interaction, Multi-lifespan design, Value sensitive design

David Hendry

David Hendry
Associate Professor, The Information School

Areas of specialization: Human-computer interaction, Value sensitive design

Alexis Hiniker

Alexis Hiniker
Associate Professor, the Information School

Areas of specialization: Human-computer interaction, Ubiquitous computing, User-centered design

Benjamin Mako Hill

Benjamin Mako Hill
Associate Professor, Department of Communication

Areas of specialization: The intersection of communication, human-computer interaction, and sociology

Jennifer Mankoff

Jennifer Mankoff
Professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering

Areas of specialization: Accessibility, Ethics and fairness, Fabrication, Human-computer interaction, Ubiquitous computing, Sensing and embedded systems

James Pierce

James Pierce
Associate Professor, Interaction Design, School of Art + Art History + Design

Areas of specialization: Design, Digital arts, Digital fabrication, Digital humanities, Human-computer interaction, Interaction design, Interactive art, User experience design

Afroditi Psarra

Afroditi Psarra
Associate Professor, DXARTS

Areas of specialization: art/science, cybernetics, digital fabrication, e-textiles, experimental media, performance studies, physical computing, sensing, sound art, wearable technology

Lilo Pozzo

Lilo Pozzo
Professor, Chemical Engineering

Areas of specialization: Data science and molecular simulation, Health and biotechnology, Advanced materials and interfacial engineering, Clean energy and sustainability

Katharina Reinecke

Katharina Reinecke
Professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering

Areas of specialization: Human-computer interaction, Intelligent user interfaces, Cross-cultural experimentation

Axel Roesler

Axel Roesler
Professor, Interaction Design, School of Art + Art History + Design

Areas of specialization: Design, Industrial design, Interaction design, New media

Franziska Roesner

Franziska Roesner
Professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering

Areas of specialization: Computer security and privacy, Computer systems design, Human-computer interaction

Emma J. Rose

Emma J. Rose
Associate Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, UW Tacoma

Areas of specialization: Practice of user experience, Human-robot interaction, Participatory research methods

Eleftheria Roumeli

Eleftheria Roumeli
Assistant Professor, Materials Science & Engineering

Areas of specialization: Composite materials, Materials characterization, Materials physics, Polymers, biomaterials and bionanotechnology

Chirag Shah

Chirag Shah
Professor, The Information School

Areas of specialization: AI, Search and recommender systems, Machine learning

Jaime Snyder

Jaime Snyder
Associate Professor, The Information School

Areas of specialization: Visualization studies and critical visual design research, Computer supported cooperative work, Human-computer interaction

Katherine Steele

Katherine Steele
Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Areas of specialization: Biomechanics, Dynamics, Human movement, Neuromuscular control, Wearable devices, Orthoses and exoskeletons, Health innovation, Ubiquitous computing

Lucy Lu Wang

Lucy Lu Wang
Assistant Professor, The Information School

Areas of specialization: Natural Language Processing, Health Informatics, Scholarly Communication

Jason Yip

Jason Yip
Associate Professor, The Information School

Areas of specialization: Child-computer interaction, Participatory design, Families and technologies

Affiliate Faculty

Mike Altman

Mike Altman
Affiliate Instructor

Senior Interaction Designer, Google

Daniel Avrahami

Daniel Avrahami
Affiliate Associate Professor

Senior Research Scientist, FX Palo Alto Laboratory

Adi Azulay

Adi Azulay
Affiliate Instructor

Software Engineer II, Microsoft

Suzanne Boyd

Suzanne Boyd
Affiliate Assistant Professor

Founder and CEO, Anthro-Tech

Rebecca Destello

Rebecca Destello
Affiliate Instructor

Research Manager, Google

Kristin Dew

Kristin Dew
Affiliate Assistant Professor

Senior UX Researcher, Smartsheet

Zakiya Hanafi

Zakiya Hanafi
Affiliate Assistant Professor

Writer and Researcher

Isaac Holeman

Isaac Holeman
Affiliate Assistant Professor

Co-founder & Research Lead at Medic Mobile, Gates Cambridge Scholar

Andrew bunnie Huang

Andrew bunnie Huang
Affiliate Assistant Professor

Owner, bunnie studios; EFF Pioneer

Sarah Inman

Sarah Inman
Affiliate Assistant Professor

Senior UX Researcher, Google

Ruth Kikin-Gil

Ruth Kikin-Gil
Affiliate Instructor

Responsible AI Strategist; Senior UX Designer, Microsoft

Daniella Kim

Daniella Kim
Affiliate Assistant Professor

UX Strategist and User Researcher, Fred Hutch

Robin Mays

Robin Mays
Affiliate Assistant Professor

Senior Researcher, Resilience and Humanitarian Systems

Andrés Monroy-Hernández

Andrés Monroy-Hernández
Affiliate Assistant Professor

Lead Research Scientist, Snap Inc.

Jonathan Morgan

Jonathan Morgan
Affiliate Assistant Professor

Senior Design Researcher, Wikimedia

Manuela Noske

Manuela Noske
Affiliate Assistant Professor

Community Manager, Translators without Borders

Mania Orand

Mania Orand
Affiliate Assistant Professor

Senior User Experience Researcher, Amazon

Andrew Quitmeyer

Andrew Quitmeyer
Affiliate Assistant Professor

Director, Digital Naturalism Laboratories

Matthew Shobe

Matthew Shobe
Affiliate Assistant Professor

Chief UX Officer at Mighty AI

Alex Thayer

Alex Thayer
Affiliate Assistant Professor

Head of Research, Amazon Search

Lauren Thomas

Lauren Thomas
Affiliate Assistant Professor

Sr. Program Manager, Machine Learning University

Roger Vilardaga

Roger Vilardaga
Affiliate Assistant Professor

Associate Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University

Sarah Zuberec

Sarah Zuberec
Affiliate Instructor



Part-time instructors who regularly teach courses in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering.

Ona Anicello

Ona Anicello

Director of Design & Research, Alaska Airlines

Justin Hamacher

Justin Hamacher

Owner, Cascade Jungian

Douglas M. Pyle

Douglas M. Pyle

UX Design & Research Leader || Ex. Google, Microsoft, GE Healthcare